Importance of Property Registration
For any property registration in West Bengal, you should always opt for one of the best property lawyers in Kolkata. If you fail to register your property, you may lose the legal right to claim your ownership of such property. Property registration is crucial to ensure your legal rights over the property and to avoid any real estate disputes that may arise in the future. With the assistance of an experienced property lawyer in Kolkata, you ensure that you can prove your ownership and possession of the property. An experienced property lawyer in Kolkata can guide you through all the legalities of property sale/transfer or buying/selling.
Law of Property Registration
Registration of properties in India is governed under Section 17 of the Registration Act, 1908 read with the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. Both the Acts provide guidance and procedures regarding how to register properties. At Advocate Chenoy Ceil, you will find an experienced real estate advocate and property lawyer in Kolkata to help with all your property related matters in West Bengal at affordable rates.
Property registration involves verification of the property title, estimation of property value from local circle rates, preparation of stamp papers, development of the sale deed, payment of stamp duty and registration fees, and finally approaching the sub-registrar for registration of the property. For stamp duty purposes, the circle rate of properties is compared to the actual price paid for the property, and the higher of the two is considered to be applicable for stamp duty purposes. To ensure that you are paying the correct stamp duty, you must consult one of the best property lawyers in Kolkata.
Registration Process and Charges
Property registration charges for properties vary from one state to another and are calculated as a percentage of the value of the property. Stamp duty is also calculated as a percentage of the saleable value of the property. For most States in India, registration of properties costs around 1% of the saleable value, while stamp duties may range between 5% to 6%, or even higher for urban areas. Check out the current applicable stamp duty and registration fee from the official West Bengal Directorate of Registration and Stamp Revenue.
At Advocate Chenoy Ceil, we understand the importance of property in the lives of people and we want to help secure your property to avoid future disputes. If you are seeking our services, then please fill out the contact form.