Legal Notice to Vacate Property under Section 106 Format


Dear Sirs,

Re: _______________________________________________
Our Client: ______________________________________

Under instructions received from and on behalf of our client above named, we do hereby address you as follows.

1. The ______________________of the ______ Floor of _________________________ measuring _______sq. ft. has been let out to you for commercial use. You are holding the said ______________ as a tenant under our client @ Rs. _____________ per Sq. ft. aggregating to Rs. ___________________/- (__________________) per month Only.

2. The tenancy in your favour was for _________ years and has expired on _____________________ but you have not yet handed over the vacant and peaceful possession of _______________________ measuring ____________to our client.

3. As our client ____________________ of ______________________________, who is the owner, is no longer interested in continuing with the tenancy, we, at the instance of our client, do hereby give notice that your monthly tenancy, in respect of ___________________________measuring ___________ sq. ft. shall stand terminated upon expiry of 15 days from the date of receipt of this Notice.

4. We, on behalf of our client, accordingly, call upon you to quit, vacate and deliver up peaceful and vacant possession of the ____________________________ measuring ________sq. ft. upon expiry of 15 days from the date of receipt of this Notice to our client in the same condition as _______________________________ measuring ___________ sq. ft. was given to you in the year ______.

5. In the event, you fail to quit, vacate and deliver up vacant and peaceful possession of ____________________________ measuring ______________________ sq. ft. upon expiry of 15 days from the date of receipt of the instant Notice, you will be treated as a trespasser and appropriate legal proceedings, against you, would be initiated for recovery of vacant possession of __________________________________ measuring ________________ and other reliefs. Needless to mention that you will be responsible for the costs and expenses thereof.

6. Please treat this Notice as a Notice under Section 106 of the Transfer of Property Act 1882.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Copy to: Client

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