Co-ownership Property in West Bengal

Legal Implications of Co-Ownership Property in West Bengal and Kolkata

With the real estate prices reaching sky-high, it is becoming a great deal of a financial burden for a middle-class person to buy a property of his choice on his own.

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Residential Property Use for Commercial Purpose

Is It Legal to Use Residential Area for Commercial Use in West Bengal and Kolkata?

Definitely it sounds great to use your residential property such as rented or ownership flat for your commercial use as it saves money.

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completion certificate in west bengal

Completion Certificate Rules and Regulations in West Bengal and Kolkata

Completion Certificate is a document which indicates that the building has been constructed in adherence to the sanctioned building plans. 

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tips to create sale agreements

Top 10 Tips to Create Sale Agreements in West Bengal and Kolkata

Top 10 tips to create sale agreements can help you to understand the importance of such documents during the sale of properties.

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How to Register Housing Society in West Bengal

How to Register a Society in West Bengal and Kolkata

We will discuss the Registration of a Society in West Bengal and Kolkata in this article.

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Resale unregistered property or apartment

How can you Resale Unregistered Apartment or Property in West Bengal and Kolkata through Tri-partite Agreements

In this article, we will discuss the unregistered apartment or property (Unregistered Deed), how we can register such deeds and also how we can transfer such property to a new buyer.

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eminent domain and land acquisition

No Land is Yours: Eminent Domain and State’s Power to Claim your Property in West Bengal and Kolkata

Eminent domain and state’s power to claim your property in West Bengal shows how the State can infuse land acquisition laws.

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