Thika Tenancy Lawyer

New Changes to Thika Tenancy in West Bengal

In continuation to the earlier analysis of thika tenancy in West Bengal, it has now come to light that the current West Bengal government is trying to bring a one window mechanism to help thika tenants and bharatias regulate their holding.

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Housing Society Rules

Co-operative Society cannot Charge Fee or Raise Donation to Approve Transfer of Property

This article discussed that under the current WBCS Act 2006 and WBCS Rules 2011, transfer fee or donation cannot be charged.

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Housing Society Rules

Separately Selling Car Parking Space Illegal in Co-operative Housing Societies in West Bengal

Today, most developers are selling stilt car parking separately but it is illegal as held by the Supreme Court.

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Apartment Association West Bengal

Forming Apartment Association under Apartment Ownership Act West Bengal

An apartment or a flat is a self contained housing unit that forms part of a building. Forming apartment owner’s association in West Bengal require legal help from the best property lawyer in West Bengal.

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Housing Society Rules

How to Transfer Land, House or Apartment in West Bengal Co-Operative Housing Society and Take Action if Society Denies Transfer

To transfer property in co-operative society in West Bengal, you need permission of the Society [Rule 131 (3) of the WBCS Rules 2011].

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Housing Society Rules

How to Sell Land and become Member of a Co-operative Housing Society in West Bengal

Registering a Co-operative Housing Society in West Bengal

To register a co-operative housing society in West Bengal, you need at least 8 members under the WBCS Act 2006.

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Hypothecation Mortgage Lawyer

Hypothecation and Mortgage of Property in West Bengal

What is Hypothecation?

Hypothecation legally means providing something as collateral for any form of debt. However, although a collateral security is provided the debtor usually does not have to turn over physical custody of the collateral although the lender is “hypothetically” in control of the collateral.

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rera in west bengal

Incorporating RERA in West Bengal

The implications of incorporating RERA in West Bengal are of significant importance due to the real estate issues faced by homebuyers.

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