Top 10 Property Documents You Must Check before Buying Real Estate in West Bengal and Kolkata

This article will contain the concept of “Real Estate” and other relevant topics related to it and it will also provide that what are the documents we must check before purchasing or buying Real Estate properties.

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Power of Attorney Format West Bengal

Power of Attorney Format for Sanction of Building Plans In Kolkata and West Bengal

By This Power of Attorney I, BD, son of EF, residing at ………………………… do hereby constitute and appoint Mr. XY of ……………………………. as my Attorney in my name and on my behalf make perform execute all or any of the several acts, deeds, powers, authorities, matters and things stated herein.

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features of urban land ceiling

What are the Main Features of the Urban Land Ceiling in West Bengal and Kolkata

We will discuss the Urban Land Ceiling in West Bengal and Kolkata along with case laws and other information relating to this topic.

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Surrender of Lease Format

Surrender of Lease Format in West Bengal and Kolkata

The surrender of lease format can help with drafting such agreements or deeds between the lessor and the lessee.

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Format of Trust Deed

Model Trust Deed for a Public Trust in West Bengal and Kolkata

Model Trust Deed Format

This is a model trust deed format for a public trust in West Bengal that can help NGOs and charitable trusts.

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Tips to Create Rental Agrements

Top 10 Tips to Create Rental Agreements in West Bengal and Kolkata

In this article, we will discuss “Rental Agreements in West Bengal and Kolkata” along with other relevant information relating to this topic.

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Cooperative Housing Society Bye Laws

Top 10 Points you must look for in Co-operative Housing Society bye-laws in West Bengal and Kolkata

We will explain “Co-operative Housing bye-laws” in this article and also what we have to look in Co-operative Housing Society bye-laws.

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Format of Gift of Land Deed

Format of Gift of Land for Building a Temple in West Bengal and Kolkata

Format of Gift of Land Deed

This Deed of gift is made at ……. on this …… day of …….. 2000, between A son of Shri ………… resident of ………. (hereinafter called “the Donor”) of the One Part and B Son of Shri ………………….. resident of ……………………………….. (hereinafter called “the donee”) of the Other Part.

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Search Property Details Online

How to Search Property Details Online in West Bengal and Kolkata

The topic which will be discussed here is very important and necessary. In this article, we will try to make you understand how we can get or search property details in West Bengal.

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partition of property under hindu law

Format Deed of Partition between Members of a Joint Hindu Family in West Bengal and Kolkata

This is a format of the deed of partition between members of a joint Hindu family in West Bengal and Kolkata.

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