Power of Attorney Format West Bengal

Power of Attorney Format for Sanction of Building Plans In Kolkata and West Bengal

By This Power of Attorney I, BD, son of EF, residing at ………………………… do hereby constitute and appoint Mr. XY of ……………………………. as my Attorney in my name and on my behalf make perform execute all or any of the several acts, deeds, powers, authorities, matters and things stated herein.

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Surrender of Lease Format

Surrender of Lease Format in West Bengal and Kolkata

The surrender of lease format can help with drafting such agreements or deeds between the lessor and the lessee.

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Format of Trust Deed

Model Trust Deed for a Public Trust in West Bengal and Kolkata

Model Trust Deed Format

This is a model trust deed format for a public trust in West Bengal that can help NGOs and charitable trusts.

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Format of Gift of Land Deed

Format of Gift of Land for Building a Temple in West Bengal and Kolkata

Format of Gift of Land Deed

This Deed of gift is made at ……. on this …… day of …….. 2000, between A son of Shri ………… resident of ………. (hereinafter called “the Donor”) of the One Part and B Son of Shri ………………….. resident of ……………………………….. (hereinafter called “the donee”) of the Other Part.

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partition of property under hindu law

Format Deed of Partition between Members of a Joint Hindu Family in West Bengal and Kolkata

This is a format of the deed of partition between members of a joint Hindu family in West Bengal and Kolkata.

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Perpetual Lease of a Land Format

Basic Format of Perpetual Lease of a Land in West Bengal and Kolkata

Perpetual Lease of Land Format

This is a perpetual lease of land format that can help lessors and lessees to enter into such agreements in West Bengal.

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Power of Attorney Format for Property Development

Power of Attorney Format for Development of Property by the Owner

Power of Attorney Format

This is a power of attorney format for development of the property of the owner and should be registered after the development agreement.

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Deed of Family Settlement Format

Deed of Family Settlement between the Heirs of a Deceased

Format Deed of Family Settlement between Heirs of Deceased

This is a Deed of Family Settlement format between heirs of a deceased that can help prevent family disputes.

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