Property Lawyer West Bengal

When is a Co-Owner Legally Competent to Make a Transfer of Property in India?

Co-owner can Transfer Property

Co-owner can transfer property in West Bengal under certain conditions with the help of an experienced property lawyer. Co-owner of a property in West Bengal simply means two or more persons holding a title or share to the same property.

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Unfair Practices of Builders

What are the Remedies Against Unfair Practices of Builders and Real Estate Developers in Kolkata

Today, the unfair practices of builders and real estate developers in Kolkata and West Bengal is a very common phenomenon.

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Housing Society Rules

Do Co-Operative Housing Societies Come Under Right to Information Act (RTI) in West Bengal?

RTI is an important tool in the hands of citizens but Co-operative Housing Societies may not come under its purview directly.

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Property Lawyer West Bengal

Modes of Attachment of Property in India

Attachment of property can occur in India under certain circumstances if there is an order from the court. The judgement-debtor holding the property over which he has the right to get profits and has disposing power which he may use for his benefit is liable to attachment and sale in execution of a decree.

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Property Lawyer West Bengal

Can Police Seize Property in the Course of an Investigation


There are cases when police seize property during investigation which can be defended by experienced property lawyer in West Bengal.

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How to Create and Register Power of Attorney Deeds for NRIs in Kolkata and West Bengal

Here, we will talk about “Power of Attorney for NRIs” and we will also try to make you understand how to create and register Power of Attorney deeds.

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Property Lawyer West Bengal

How Delivery of Property Takes Place in West Bengal

The act of delivering or transferring a deed or yielding possession or control of something to another is known as delivery of property.

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Will Drafting West Bengal

Difference Between Power of Attorney and Will in India

The difference between Power of Attorney and Will in India is due to the way they are utilised to transfer and devolve rights over property.

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